Comic Strips

Outer Space Inn

My most current comic strips

After doing a year of Cloud Sourced, as time went on, life changed quite a bit. New job, new endeavors, new experiences and I gained a friend who is an extremely talented artist and children's book author/illustrator. As we worked together he inspired me to keep developing my comic art. The "Stranger Things" show had also been out on Netflix for some time and I deeply regretted not continuing to use that name for my strip. I also saw some news articles about a hotel in space being planned and that made me think I better get back on the old "Outer Space Inn" comic strip that I used to do. So I began a reboot of that comic on Instagram.

24 on 24

A short series of comic strips based on the show "24."

What follows is a short series of comic strips I did in 2007 based on the show "24" with Kiefer Sutherland, who incidentally almost has a really cool name.  These ran while my web comic was titled "Stranger Things" and ran apart from the regular plot line of the strip, which is why the first one in the run is sub-titled "Ran Dumb" - this is the classification I used for comics that didn't fit the regular strip.  Maybe now I should do 24 on "Stranger Things"...


4 pages of Stranger Things that appeared on Comics Sherpa in 2004.

These 4 pages are all that consisted of the "Stranger Things" portion of a comic book published as a Comics Sherpa anthology from myself and several other artists that produced work on that site at the same time.  "Attack of the Killer Sherpas" featured 4 pages each from many extremely talented cartoonists whose work all easily out-shined my own.  It was an extreme honor to have my work among them!  Other comics featured in the book were "Dead Air" by Dave Johnson, "Bob the Squirrel" by Frank Page, "The Zoo" by Gabe Strine, "Jack Velvet" by Dean Prefest, "Spork" by T.J. Mahaffey, "Idiot Box" by Matt Bors, "Basketcase" by Kelly Ferguson, "Offworlders" by James Bradbury, "Suzie View" by Tauhid Bondia & Erik McCurdy, and "South of Town" by Dave Fackerell.


Nergon appeared in many web comic strips that I drew and published from roughly 2005 until roughly 2011.

Nergon was a cartoon character that appeared in several web comic strips that I did from 2005(-ish) until 2011(-ish).  A couple of ebooks are available on iTunes collecting some of the strips.  Here are a few examples.  The first web comic I did that featured Nergon was called Stranger Things and was featured on Comics Sherpa for about 6 months.  Stranger Things was about Alan - a single, geeky, software developer - and his alien room-mate Nergon who continued to make life interesting for him.


A year-long series of comic strips where angels outsource their jobs to people

These are just some examples of the Cloud Sourced Comic that I did on Tumbler for a little over a year. 200 strips were done as "Season 1."

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